Parts We Manufacture
Electrical Components
Machine Hardware
Secruity Hardware
Assembly Components
Transmission Components
Custom Parts
Medical & Plumbing Valves
Inspection Components
CNC Machine Parts
The Proven Choice
Why Selectcom?
- Produces custom-engineered precision screw machine products with over 50 years worth of experience.
- Prides itself on providing quality products with on time delivery at competitive prices.
- Utilizes state-of-the-art manufacturing and lean practices to ensure quality products.
- Assists companies by engineering and designing products for low-cost manufacturing solutions.
- Services our customer by providing a full range of primary and secondary manufacturing operations.
Contact Selectcom
- 29 Nutmeg Valley Road Wolcott, CT 06716
Write us a message
About us
Selectcom's priority has always been to produce your “Quality Parts—On-time” as part of the manufacturing chain. We know that parts have to be ready to keep stop gaps and lost time in the manufacturing process. You can count on our company to ensure that even short production runs are treated with the same high priority that your company needs and demands.
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